Heading into Super Tuesday, Sanders might not want to make a play towards the South. And there are a lot of reasons for this. The most important of which is he might not need to. However, if he decides otherwise, he might want to make a play towards African Americans. They make up a large minority portion of the southern states. Nevada showed that he lost the African American vote in that state by a large percentage. So I think he would need to target them better. Here’s how:


I believe the African Americans suffer from a deficit of trust. They do not trust other races. They do not trust the police. They do not trust each other. They do not trust themselves. It is very hard for Bernie Sanders, who is white, to inject himself, and say that he knows the solution to all the problems affecting black communities.

However, if there is one thing African Americans trust, I think it is their faith. So I would build a campaign around their churches. He needs to be visible and present. That is the most important thing.

Black Leaders & Celebrities

If he cannot be present, then the next best thing would be to have someone, who is black and has a good reputation, speak for him. It is always helpful to hear from another perspective, especially if that person is also black.

Slavery of Wall Street

If there is one issue that affects black communities even today, it is slavery. It affects them psychologically. It affects them socially. It affects them economically. So I would link that with the modern kind of slavery we see today : the unbridled capitalism epitomized by Wall Street. Basically, Wall Street is the plantation owner. And the laborers, many of whom are black, are the slaves. Sanders, himself, would be the abolitionist trying to end slavery. This analogy may seem to be a crude metaphor, but it actually holds a lot of truth. So I would use it and abuse it.

Think Positive

If Sanders does all this, I think he can compete on equal footing with Clinton for the black vote, and give her a run for her money. Then, again he might not need to do this. His message seems to be resonating among many of the other demographics. I think it just needs more time to sink in.