Nevada is a state of immense wealth, but it is also a state of despairing poverty. Beneath the glitz and glamour of world-renown casinos and five-star hotels on the Strip in Las Vegas, lies the squalor of prostitution, drugs, and gangs. The juxtaposition between wealth and poverty is a stark reminder of how capitalism can fail at certain times. Thus, many thought that this backdrop would help illustrate Sanders’ message, of $15 minimum wage, universal healthcare, paid medical leave, and expanded Social Security. Sanders could win Nevada.

Sanders strategy

From the start, the Sanders campaign was about uniting the whole country on the economic issues. Sanders’ message is that:

  • Politicians in Washington are selling out America.
  • We have to fix this problem, and the socioeconomic problems that resulted, first and foremost.

To do this, he lays out his entire plan, where the money goes towards and where the money comes from. His plan is very comprehensive and very well-thought out. It makes sense economically. An overwhelming number of nation’s top economists have endorsed it. Clinton can not challenge this plan without losing credibility.

Clinton strategy

Originally, her campaign’s idea was that she does not need to attack his plan directly. She can rely on her credentials, experience, and a passive attitude towards problem fixing to carry her to the White House. However, this approach was invalidated in New Hampshire. She was routed in that state.

So going into Nevada, her campaign knew she had to adjust their strategy. She had to win over the minority vote. While his strategy is to unite on the economic issues, her strategy will be to “divide” –for lack of a better word– on the social issues. Basically, Bernie can talk about the economics affecting all Americans, but social issues affecting minority segments are just as important. For Hispanics, this might be immigration. For African Americans, this might be criminal justice. By focusing on these social issues, she can draw Sanders out into the open, where he is not as comfortable. This strategy is a solid counter and paid off in Nevada.