Economists and politicians are very similar. Often times, they use numbers and logic to confuse their audience. For every upside, there is always a downside. For every argument, there is always a counter-argument. Often times, when you talk to a politician, they have no idea on what is they should do. Similarly, when you talk to an economist, they have no idea on what creates jobs, innovation, or entrepreneurship. And everybody knows that jobs and innovation are the largest factors in GDP growth. Yet it is often these important pieces that are missing from their forecasts.

Economists and politicians have a tendency to argue too much over silly, little numbers and details. So when evaluating an economic plan or a politician, I think the most important question to ask is whether the plan or politician does the right thing. If it does the right thing, then growth will automatically follow, and everyone will end better off. If not, then only a few will be better off. The rest will be worst off.

I believe Sanders will do the right thing. I also believe that his plan will do the right thing. It will take money, that works only for Wall Street, and no longer works for Main Street, and invest it into our future. Our future is healthcare and education.

The US cannot have GDP growth without a labor force that is not chronically sick or addicted. It cannot have GDP growth, when future entrepreneurs are paying off their debts at Starbucks or McDonalds. This is slavery, not genius.