In the absence of an external authoritative source, elements of society tend to gravitate towards others with similar characteristics. This pull is natural and powerful. Aligned along a white ethnicity and authoritarian principles, America will produce white nationalists, supremacists, and Nazis. Aligned along black status and communist principles, America will produce black anarchists, communists, and supremacists. These two sides fundamentally oppose, but are joined at the hip. Fueled by the same source, both are convinced that the other is a danger to their well-being.

In this struggle to gain power and relevancy, white supremacists traditionally have held the upper hand. I believe their success is due to several factors:

  1. Superior organizing potential : Traditionally, organizing authoritarians has been much easier than organizing anarchists and communists. Beyond a certain size, anarchists and communists just fall apart.

  2. Integrate better with society : Because they respect authority and follow orders, white supremacists have integrated better into many societal roles, ranging from law enforcement to military service.

  3. Capital : Dominating since the Renaissance, European whites have traditionally owned a larger share of the wealth in the world.

A dramatic surge in white supremacy has often coincided with large external factors that place the collective white male psyche under stress, for example a loss of political and financial power for Southern whites after the Civil War and similarly for Germans after World War I. The belief of superiority of one’s own race and correspondingly, a hatred of those outside, is a natural male response to a loss of status due to external factors. Thus, white supremacy can be seen as arising from a white man’s need to a protect their status quo.

Black supremacy on the other hand is a rejection of the status quo given to them. While whites enjoy the financial and legal privileges of being white in America, many blacks have been handed the less favorable side of the deal. Trapped by a system on the outside looking in, many black men see themselves confined to lifetime of poverty. For them, this is effect of “white supremacy.” Because whites own a larger share of the wealth and have the complicit support of the government, whites are able to more easily maintain their wealth, status, and privilege.

Therefore, we can say black supremacy is a response to white supremacy and understand why black supremacists tend to be radical and anti-governmental. In a sense, black supremacists want to reorder society, without knowing how to get there. There is no clear plan, no capable leadership.

But this is exactly what fuels the fears driving white supremacy movements.

Thus, any attempt to strengthen black supremacists in order to prevent America from falling into Nazism is self-defeating. This problem has solutions but any non-balanced approach will result in further polarization. Such is the yin-yang of American society.